Try to upload high quality photos, as they will expand in size once printed. Over 1500x1500px in size for best results. Camera roll photos on a newish phone are usually good enough quality to use.
If you're encountering issues using Safari on your iPhone, try switching to Chrome or a different device to solve the problem.
Avoid using dark images or images with lots of background elements.
Wait for the auto-crop feature to work its magic, it takes around 5-10 seconds per image depending on size! Then drag and drop your images to arrange them on the shirt canvas.
Once you’ve finished making your design, click on review and select your size. You can add mulitple sizes of the same design.
We recommend using a computer over mobile if you want to be super pro with your design.
If you're ordering a custom product in Natural, note that any white in the images won't be printed. Instead, the natural colour of the product will show through.
We adhere to a policy of not printing anything that includes nudity or offensive content.
Please note that once ordered, we cannot edit or make modifications to the design. The design tool is self-service, and what you see in preview is what will be printed.